日本財団 図書館


those foreign technicians and experts who work together with them. Year by year, with the advancement in technology and the abandonment of labour intensive methods. It is evident that training will assume a much more important role in the future.
The present training system involves two forms. viz: training in institutions and training on the job. The training institutes conduct Basic training courses. Refresher courses and Advance level training courses for non officers only. For the officers. although there is no specific school, they are sent to some specialized courses conducted by other public department and in some cases to foreign countries to attend training, seminars and study-tours. For on the job training, most of them are not properly organized up till now. But more emphasis had to be made on this form of training than now because of it's likeliness to generate immediate effect on the organization.
Formal training for railway staff is carried out at two institutions, that is The Railways Technical Training Center at Ywataung and the Central Institute of Transport and Communications at Meiktila.
Major problem in training
Although the training institute provides free food and clothing when attending courses, the trainees had to bear certain expenses like stationary, laundry etc. Most of the workers could not afford extra expenses because of the rising inflation and also because they didn't want to be separated from their families even temporarily. there is a general notion to shun courses among the staff But for sonic courses, where this a prerequisite for promotion there is no problem for getting the required trainees.
There is also a problem in the basic workers level where a rather high percentage leave the job for more promising would be jobs. Much endeavors hid been made to minimize this kind of loss by providing them with living quarters and other facilities.
The present government with the participation of the masses is in full swing for all round development of the country including the transportation sector. In so doing, importance has been stressed to expand the rail network which will be vital for economic development and well being of the grass root strata. The combination of close support and drive by the Ministry helps the Railways to try it's best for optimizing the use of existing assets to improve the productivity services, safety and reliability.





